Hugh O'Brien Hugh O'Brien i(A90686 works by)
Born: Established: Kingaroy, Kingaroy area, Kingaroy - Murgon - Kilkivan - Woolooga area, Central West Queensland, Queensland, ;
Gender: Male
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'Born and raised in Kingaroy, Queensland, Hugh O'Brien began his working life on a dairy farm outside Wondai. He later worked as an announcer, rugby league football commentator and news editor at Radio Station 4SB Kingaroy before becoming a copywriter at Australia's then largest advertising agency George Patterson in Sydney. He left advertising to pursue film writing and wrote the screenplay for the psychological thriller The Pact starring Sigrid Thornton and co-wrote the screenplay for the action thriller Endurance Island starring Paul Mercurio.

He has also worked as a speech writer for the Queensland Premier's department.' Source: (Sighted 20/02/2012).

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

Three Angry Brides 2012 single work drama 'Four days before three beautiful brides are due to be married at a picturesque church in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, they and their grooms are summoned to the church office. The regular minster has been taken ill and replaced by the feisty Reverend Bruce Hill, a knockabout minster with extreme views about marriage preparation. Reverend Hill has a strict policy. He will not marry any couples unless he first tries to split them up. Which, if any, of the couples will like each other enough to still want to get married after 30 minutes with the crazy Reverend Hill?' Source: (Sighted 20/02/2012).
2012 finalist National One Act Playwriting Competition
Last amended 12 Dec 2014 12:50:08
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