Alexandra Ludewig Alexandra Ludewig i(A78532 works by)
Gender: Female
Heritage: German
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1 Walter Kaufmann : Walking the Tightrope Alexandra Ludewig , 2016 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Literature in the German Democratic Republic : Reading through the Iron Curtain 2016; (p. 139-162)
1 y separately published work icon Born German, Re-Born In Western Australia : Selected Stories 1841-2016 Alexandra Ludewig , Crawley : UWA Publishing , 2016 10167511 2016 selected work biography

'Celebrating 175 Years of German Settlement in Western Australia

'In 1841, 175 years ago, the first German migrant to settle permanently in Western Australia was naturalised as a British subject. Fredrick Waldeck wanted to demonstrate his commitment to his chosen place of residence; the place where he and his loved ones felt at home and to which he felt a new sense of allegiance. Thousands of Germans and German speakers have followed in his footsteps – male and female, young and old, rich and poor – all united by hope and the pursuit of a future that would add a new, West Australian, component to their sense of identity. This book is dedicated to all those who appreciate diversity and the cultural richness it entails, and who have, like so many of those in this volume, proved their appetite for risk-taking and new beginnings.' (Publication summary)

1 Lives in Abeyance Alexandra Ludewig , 2013 single work essay
— Appears in: Westerly , June vol. 58 no. 1 2013; (p. 166-190)

Discusses World War One internment of people with German and Austrian backgrounds on Western Australia’s Rottnest Island.

1 Aspects of Walter Kaufmann's Literary Works Alexandra Ludewig , 1995 single work criticism
— Appears in: German-Australian Cultural Relations Since 1945 : Proceedings of the Conference Held at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, from September 20-23, 1994 1995; (p. 215-224)
1 y separately published work icon Der deutsch-australische Autor Walter Kaufmann : Ein Sonderfall bikultureller Literatur Alexandra Ludewig , 1995 Z1071005 1995 single work thesis