Pat Woolley Pat Woolley i(A76425 works by)
Born: Established: 1947 California,
United States of America (USA),
Gender: Female
Arrived in Australia: 1970
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Formerly a fashion designer and a singer, Pat Woolley worked as a printer, publisher and bookseller after settling in Sydney in 1970. She was a founder of Tomato Press, Redress Press, and co-founder with Michael Wilding (q.v.) of the publishing business Wild and Woolley in 1974, of which she was a managing director.

'Michael Wilding left in 1978 to concentrate on his own writings and Woolley formed AllBooks distribution and continued to publish under the Wild & Woolley imprint. In 1986, she started up Australia In Print Inc to market a wide range of popular Australian books to bookshops in the USA and in 1990 Woolley established Fast Books, the first publisher/printer in the world to print books "on demand." In 2002 she closed the Fast Books print factory then rebadged the entity as the Books & Writers Network, and in 2005 launched the International Rights Agency to represent the best independently published Australian writers to overseas markets. Whereas most of her businesses were a success, that one was not.' (Supplied by author).

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Last amended 10 Oct 2011 11:48:30
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