University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature i(A39689 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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1 1 y separately published work icon Interactions : Essays on the Literature and Culture of the Asia-Pacific Region Dennis Haskell (editor), Ron Shapiro (editor), Nedlands : UWA Publishing University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 2000 Z873065 2000 anthology criticism A collection of eighteen essays arising out of a symposium with the same name held at the University of Western Australia in December 1997. Essays are grouped into three sections - "Cultural Identity in the Global Economy", "Gender and Sexuality" and "Travel and Initiation" -and subjects examined include fiction, autobiography, poetry, film, television, drama, and stand-up comedy. The book "celebrates writing in various forms from a particular region of an internationalised world, and the contributors explore cultural interactions of diverse kinds" (Introduction, p.ix).
1 2 y separately published work icon Fairly Obsessive : Essays on the Works of John Kinsella Rod Mengham (editor), Glen Phillips (editor), Nedlands North Fremantle : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature Fremantle Press , 2000 Z829175 2000 anthology criticism
1 1 y separately published work icon Imagining Australian Space : Cultural Studies and Spatial Inquiry Ruth Barcan (editor), Ian Buchanan (editor), Nedlands : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1999 Z936655 1999 anthology criticism essay

This collection of cultural studies essays looks at 'the way we construct and use space in our everyday material, psychic and social behaviours.' (Source: publisher's website.)

1 2 y separately published work icon Crossing Cultures : Essays on Literature and Culture of the Asia-Pacific Bruce Bennett (editor), Jeff Doyle (editor), Satendra Nandan (editor), London : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature University College, Australian Defence Force Academy Skoob Books , 1996 Z118503 1996 anthology criticism prose biography Papers presented at the Seventh Biennial Symposium on Literatures and Cultures of the Asia-Pacific Region held at the Australian Defence Force Academy Canberra, in November 1995
1 4 y separately published work icon The Gimbals of Unease : The Poetry of Francis Webb Bill Ashcroft , Nedlands : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1996 Z304791 1996 single work criticism biography
1 4 y separately published work icon Nearing a Horizon Ee Tiang Hong , Singapore Nedlands : UniPress University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1994 Z189972 1994 selected work poetry This collection of mostly autobiographical poems reveals the poet's philosophy of life, sense of identity, personality and concerns in reflection on death.
1 2 y separately published work icon Provisional Maps : Critical Essays on David Malouf Amanda Nettelbeck (editor), Nedlands : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1994 Z397695 1994 anthology criticism
1 y separately published work icon Westerly Looks to Asia: A Selection from Westerly 1956-1992 Bruce Bennett (editor), Susan Miller (editor), Dennis Haskell (editor), Peter Cowan (editor), Nedlands : The Indian Ocean Centre for Peace Studies University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1993 Z824975 1993 anthology poetry short story criticism interview prose bibliography
1 2 y separately published work icon Myths, Heroes and Anti-Heroes : Essays on the Literature and Culture of the Asia-Pacific Region Bruce Bennett (editor), Dennis Haskell (editor), Nedlands : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1992 Z461898 1992 anthology criticism
1 2 y separately published work icon Peter Cowan : New Critical Essays Bruce Bennett (editor), Susan Miller (editor), Nedlands : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature UWA Publishing , 1992 Z329852 1992 anthology criticism essay Essays by authors and critics on the work of Peter Cowan.
1 8 y separately published work icon Elizabeth Jolley : New Critical Essays Delys Bird (editor), Brenda Walker (editor), North Ryde : Angus and Robertson University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1991 Z293930 1991 anthology criticism Collection of original essays by Australian and overseas critics. The eighteen essays explore the mystery, domestic tensions and dark European influences in Jolley's narratives. The collection also contains an extensive 'Bibliography in process' by Dibble and Milech.
1 1 y separately published work icon Western Australian Writing : A Bibliography Bruce Bennett , Fremantle : Fremantle Press University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1990 Z475113 1990 single work bibliography
1 8 y separately published work icon Glass Reptile Breakout and Other Australian Speculative Stories Glass Reptile Breakout Van Ikin (editor), Nedlands : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1990 Z409709 1990 anthology short story science fiction fantasy
1 1 y separately published work icon Furphy's Shakespeare Robert S. White , Nedlands : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1989 Z108904 1989 single work bibliography
1 16 y separately published work icon Dalwurra : The Black Bittern : A Poem Cycle Colin Johnson , Veronica Brady (editor), Karin Hearn (illustrator), Perth : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1988 Z210544 1988 selected work poetry
1 3 y separately published work icon A Sense of Exile : Essays in the Literature of the Asia-Pacific Region Bruce Bennett (editor), Nedlands : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1988 Z453637 1988 anthology biography prose criticism
1 3 y separately published work icon The Unsparing Scourge : Australian Satirical Texts 1845-1860 Vincent O'Sullivan (editor), Nedlands : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1988 Z420571 1988 anthology poetry short story criticism biography satire
2 2 y separately published work icon European Relations : Essays for Helen Watson-Williams Bruce Bennett (editor), John Hay (editor), Perth : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1985 Z131479 1985 anthology prose criticism
2 y separately published work icon Katharine Susannah Prichard : Centenary Essays John Hay (editor), Brenda Walker (editor), Nedlands : Menzies Centre for Australian Studies University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1984 Z918197 1983 anthology criticism
1 1 y separately published work icon Literature, Criticism and the Universities : Interviews with Leonie Kramer, S.L. Goldberg and Howard Felperin Richard Freadman , Nedlands : University of Western Australia. Centre for Studies in Australian Literature , 1983 Z406970 1983 single work