Born in Salto, Uruguay in 1934, he moved to Montevideo as a child. He worked as a freelance writer there before migrating to Australia in 1972 and settling in Brisbane in 1983. He has been active in the publication of several Spanish magazines in Brisbane and works as a radio announcer. He is a member of both committees of Art and Culture of the Ethnic Communities' Council of Queensland. In 1992 he was awarded first prize in the Poetry Competition organised by the Latin-American group of Brisbane, 'Gabriela Mistral'.
His self-published book Asi es Uruguay (1977) is cited by Ignacio García as the first book length publication in Spanish in Australia.
Blanco Labarden has published in the Spanish language press including El Pais, El Español en Australia, Noticias y Deportes and The Spanish Herald. He often uses the psuedonym Inchala II.