Élie Robert-Nicoud Élie Robert-Nicoud i(A141423 works by)
Gender: Male
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11 24 y separately published work icon Year of Wonders : A Novel of the Plague Geraldine Brooks , ( trans. Élie Robert-Nicoud with title 1666 ) Paris : Calmann-Lévy , 2003 Z900724 2001 single work novel historical fiction (taught in 1 units) This historical novel is based on the true story of Eyam, the 'Plague Village,' in the rugged mountain spine of England. In 1666, a tainted bolt of cloth from London carries bubonic infection to this isolated settlement of shepherds and lead miners. A visionary young preacher convinces the villagers to seal themselves off in a deadly quarantine to prevent the spread of disease. The story is told through the eyes of eighteen-year-old Anna Frith, the vicar's maid, as she confronts the loss of her family, the disintegration of her community, and the lure of a dangerous and illicit love. As the death toll rises and people turn from prayers and herbal cures to sorcery and murderous witch-hunting, Anna emerges as an unlikely and courageous heroine in the village's desperate fight to save itself. (Source: Trove)
3 5 y separately published work icon The Big Drop, and Other Cliff Hardy Stories Peter Corris , ( trans. Élie Robert-Nicoud with title Le grand plongeon ) Paris : Payot et Rivages , 2001 Z548770 1985 selected work short story crime detective

'A client happens to fall from the twentieth story of a building; a rock star goes missing; an erotic Mongol scroll vanishes; a film star has a problem that has nothing to do with creativity - it's all in a day's work for Cliff Hardy.

'Yachts dance on the sparkling waters of the harbour, and the back alleys are busy; the city's high and low classes go about their daily business. But nothing really surprises Hardy; and, for a hundred and twenty-five a day (plus expenses), he'll provide a few surprises of his own...' (Publication summary)