'Set in rural Australia, True Love Travels on a Gravel Road is a new Australian comedy-drama about ordinary people going to extraordinary lengths in pursuit of a dream.
'All of his life Jake has been patronised and pegged as the town “tard” but when he falls in love with Maggie anything seems possible. Making Maggie’s dream of going to Graceland becomes his quest, and a chance to escape the small country town that has labeled him a loser. All that stands in Jake’s way are the town’s locals, including Maggie’s husband, her straight-talking mother, local hard man and philospher Richard, plus Jake’s boss and his wife.'
Source: 15 Minutes from Anywhere.
'... on choice and broken dreams, set in a photocopy centre in a regional town ... a bungled heist story ... that is finally very moving and human.'
Source: The R.E. Ross Trust Playwrights' Script Development Awards 2011 Judges' Report, State Library of Victoria website, www.slv.vic.gov.au (sighted 13/07/2011)