Kaléidoscope (International) assertion Kaléidoscope i(A132388 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. Ecole Des Loisirs Kaleidoscope)
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3 1 y separately published work icon How to Make a Bird Megan McKinlay , Matt Ottley (illustrator), ( trans. Rose-Marie Vassallo with title Pour faire un oiseau ) Paris : Kaléidoscope , 2022 19897910 2020 single work picture book

'Extraordinary imagery and rich language spark the reader's imagination as they enter the creative world of a young girl.

'From award-winning author Meg McKinlay and celebrated artist Matt Ottley comes a moving and visually stunning picture book that celebrates the transformative power of the creative process from inception through recognition to celebration and releasing into the world. We shadow the protagonist as she contemplates the blue print of an idea, collects the things that inspire from the natural world to shape a bird. And breathes life into it before letting it fly free. It shows how small things, combined with a little imagination and a steady heart, can transform into works of magic.'

(Source: publisher's blurb)

3 y separately published work icon Liarbird Laura Bunting , Philip Bunting (illustrator), ( trans. Rosalind Elland-Goldsmith with title L'as du bobard ) France : Kaléidoscope , 2021 16878036 2019 single work picture book children's

'Liarbirds learn to lie from the day they hatch. They are the best in the bush at fibbing, faking, fabricating and fake-news creating. Until one lyrebird decides to go straight, and discovers that sometimes even the truth hurts.'

5 7 y separately published work icon Teacup Rebecca Young , Matt Ottley (illustrator), ( trans. Rose-Marie Vassallo with title Là-bas ) Paris : Kaléidoscope , 2020 7207725 2015 single work picture book children's

'Once there was a boy who had to leave home ... and find another. In his bag he carried a book, a bottle and a blanket. In his teacup he held some earth from where he used to play. This is one boys story of leaving his homeland, surviving a long journey by sea ... and finding a safe, new place to call home.' (Publication summary)

6 y separately published work icon Another Book about Bears Laura Bunting , Philip Bunting (illustrator), ( trans. Rosalind Elland-Goldsmith with title Encore une histoire d'ours ) Paris : Kaléidoscope , 2020 21922754 2018 single work picture book children's

'Ever wondered why there are so many books about bears? Discover the grizzly truth in this bear-all account.

'Bears are tired. Sick and tired. And just when they are in the middle of something really good—like sleeping, snoozing or napping—too many storybooks mean they have to stop what they are doing—that is sleeping—and get up and be part of a story. Every story. Well, the bears have had enough. They are going on strike. This hilarious book looks at some alternatives for all the parts bears play in stories. But what sort of animal could be... just right?'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

5 12 y separately published work icon The Wrong Book Nick Bland , Nick Bland (illustrator), ( trans. Eĺisabeth Duval with title Sortez de mon livre! ) Paris : Kaléidoscope , 2015 Z1574687 2009 single work picture book children's

"Nicholas Ickle is trying to tell a story but he keeps getting interrupted by characters from other stories - a pirate, a queen, even some monsters. To get a chance to tell his story, he has to convince the others that they are in the wrong book." (Source: Trove)

5 2 y separately published work icon What Faust Saw Matt Ottley , Matt Ottley (illustrator), ( trans. Isabel Finkenstaedt with title La nuit de Faust ) Paris : Kaléidoscope , 1996 Z833009 1995 single work picture book children's

A dog sees aliens landing and wakes the neighbourhood.

3 16 y separately published work icon Guess What? Mem Fox , Vivienne Goodman (illustrator), ( trans. Eĺisabeth Duval with title A ton avis? ) France : Kaléidoscope , 1990 Z831031 1988 single work picture book children's 'Who is that crazy old lady called Daisy O'Grady? Why does she dress all in black? And what is she going to do with those rats' tails, toenails and dead lizards' scales that she keeps in her pantry? You'll just have to guess!' -- (Back cover, 2008 publication)