Mikaella Clements Mikaella Clements i(A101347 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 More and More, I Sense I’m Out of Touch. Can My Expat Writing Still Call Australia Home? Mikaella Clements , 2024 single work column
— Appears in: The Guardian Australia , 22 October 2024;
'Putting anything down is an exercise in vulnerability but the fear of getting my homeland wrong is embarrassing and invalidating' (Introduction) 
1 Where the Wild Things Aren’t : A Night at Melbourne Zoo Mikaella Clements , 2023 single work essay
— Appears in: Griffith Review , no. 82 2023;
1 y separately published work icon The View Was Exhausting Mikaella Clements , Onjuli Datta , London : Headline Review , 2021 22980761 2021 single work novel romance

'A bold, swoon-worthy and utterly modern debut novel about truth, fame and privilege – and how we love now.

'Whitman ‘Win’ Tagore and Leo Milanowski are the greatest love story of our time. International movie star meets the beautiful son of a millionaire. Their kisses write headlines and their fights break the internet. Nobody needs to know it’s not real.

'Win knows that Hollywood demands perfection – especially from a woman of colour.

'Leo just wants to enjoy life, and shift press attention away from his dysfunctional family.

'Together they control the narrative.

'Except this time, on the shores of Saint-Tropez, Leo is hiding a secret that is about to send Win’s world spinning. Now everyone’s dream couple must confront the messy reality of their relationship. Just as they’re starting to realise that they might actually be falling in love…'

Source : publisher's blurb

1 The Ray Leaving the Eye Mikaella Clements , 2019 single work short story
— Appears in: New Australian Fiction 2019 2019; (p. 125-135)
1 Magpie Mikaella Clements , 2017 single work short story
— Appears in: Overland , Winter vol. 227 no. 2017; (p. 75-80) Best Summer Stories 2018; (p. 115-125)

'Seventeen weeks after they moved to the city, Sofia stole her boyfriend’s mouth. She’d been toying with the idea, on and off, for months. She knew it was the lazy way out. She didn’t want things to just be handed to her – she wanted to work, to grow. She had been to the Volkshochschule and sat on a hard chair for three hours waiting to be given a number to be given a lesson. Around her the glow of green walls with no windows and a queue that made no sense, peeling posters that she deciphered, word by word, guess by guess. The classes were booked for the next three months: that was fine. She waited patiently, downloaded apps on her phone and practiced phrases with waiters and supermarket employees. Ich hatte gerne, she said. Tut mir leid, she said. Einmal Glas Rotwein, she said, and gracefully accepted the correction and the drink. She started her classes and tried to take joy in the swift rush of nouns, of simple constructions. Floundered out on the street again. Turned her failures into funny stories, good jokes. She tried her best. She really thought she was doing her best. But in the end it was so much easier to just take what she wanted.'  (Introduction) 

1 Vertical Wine Tasting Mikaella Clements , 2016 single work short story
— Appears in: Voiceworks , Winter no. 104 2016; (p. 65-71)
'It was a different species. The way she moved, the jerky way she took off her coat, the half-flung elbow near straight into the maitre d's face without a moment of self-awareness. Julia sat at the table with one arm resting on the back of the chair, half leaning to the side, unable to look away. Everything took so much more effort. Everything was full of overcharged energy. By the time Rachel made her way over to lean down and kiss Julia hello, Julia expected her to be out of breath...' 

 (Publication abstract)

1 Kids' Night In 2 Mikaella Clements , 2006 single work review
— Appears in: Viewpoint : On Books for Young Adults , Autumn vol. 14 no. 1 2006; (p. 25)

— Review of Kids' Night In 2 : A Feast of Stories 2005 anthology short story