Issue Details: First known date: 2015... 2015 'Dismantled and Re-Constructed' : Flaws in the Glass Re-visioned
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'...Georgina Loveridge begins a more overt dismantling of our understanding of White in the wake of his own late re-envisioning of his work. The chapter, then, zeroes in on the potential for critical collapse threatened (or perhaps promised) in the preoccupation with jitters, tremblings, contradictory times, ambivalence, madnesses, revisions and disconcerting revelations in nearly all our chapters. She reads Flaws as a treatise on the nature of truth with White extending a continuous dismantling of his own symbolic apparatus and offering a blueprint for re-reading hes entire work.' (Introduction 8)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Patrick White beyond the Grave : New Critical Perspectives Ian Henderson (editor), Anouk Lang (editor), New York (City) : Anthem Press , 2015 8798674 2015

    'Patrick White (1912–1990) won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1973 and remains one of Australia’s most celebrated writers. This book represents new work by an outstanding list of White scholars from around the globe. This collection of diverse and original essays is notable for its acknowledgement of White’s homosexuality in relation to the development of his literary style, in its consideration of the way his writing ‘works’ on/with readers, and for its contextualizing of his life and oeuvre in relation to London and to London life.' (Publication summary)

    New York (City) : Anthem Press , 2015 anthology criticism
    pg. 101-115
Last amended 13 Apr 2016 11:21:02
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