David Dyer grew up in a coastal town in NSW, Australia, and graduated as dux of his high school in 1984. He graduated from the Australian Maritime College with distinction and was awarded a number of prizes, including the Company of Master Mariners Award for highest overall achievement in the course. He then returned to the University of Sydney to complete a combined degree in Arts and Law.
At the University of Sydney he completed a combined degree in Arts and Law and was awarded the Frank Albert Prize for first place in Music I, High Distinctions in all English courses and First Class Honours in Law. From the mid-1990s until early 2000s Dyer worked as a litigation lawyer in Sydney, and then in London. In 2009 he was awarded a Commonwealth Government scholarship to write The Midnight Watch as part of a Doctorate in Creative Arts at the University of Technology, Sydney. The doctorate was conferred in November 2013. (Source: Penguin Books Australia website.)