Emilie Zoey Baker and Michael Nolan single work   correspondence  
Issue Details: First known date: 2014... 2014 Emilie Zoey Baker and Michael Nolan
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Between Us : Women of Letters Michaela McGuire , Marieke Hardy , Melbourne : Penguin , 2014 8074415 2014 anthology correspondence

    'Writing a letter can be an act of confession or celebration, while receiving one can bring joy, insight and vivid memories. Ambassadors for correspondence Marieke Hardy and Michaela McGuire have lured some of our best and brightest to the literary afternoons of Women of Letters to write and read missives of all kinds.

    'Bestselling novelist Hannah Kent exchanges letters about books, editing and synchronicity with her publisher Alex Craig.

    'Intimate and outrageous declarations of love and friendship are shared between actor Rhys Muldoon and musician Kram.

    'And award-winning cartoonist First Dog on the Moon expresses his affection for his editor Sophie Black through drawings (while she sticks to the written word).

    'Between Us is an inspiring and engaging collection of all-new letters from some of Australia's best-loved people.' (Publication summary)

    Melbourne : Penguin , 2014
    pg. 52-60
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