Alternative title: Creative Writing as Research IV
Issue Details: First known date: 2015... no. 30 October 2015 of TEXT Special Issue est. 2000 TEXT : Special Issue Website Series
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* Contents derived from the , 2015 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Introduction : Creative Writing as Research IV, Nigel Krauth , Donna Lee Brien , Ross Watkins , Anthony Lawrence , Dallas J. Baker , Moya Costello , single work criticism
We Were Young, Eugen Bacon , single work short story
The (Im)perfect Screenplay : A Parody of Craft and Industry, Craig Batty , single work drama
'Drawing on the author’s twelve years of teaching, researching and writing about screenwriting craft, this work draws attention to formulaic conventions and the industry in which they operate in the form of a parody of an episode of a hypothetical low-budget Australian soap opera. It is structured as a soap opera typically would be, with an episode containing parallel and tonally different storylines set in the context of a day, but deliberately exploits craft and convention to the extreme. In the vein of Victoria Wood’s Acorn Antiques, a television sitcom that parodied 1980s British soap operas, The (Im)Perfect Screenplay: A Parody of Craft and Industry seeks more critically to reveal the hidden (to many) craft techniques of screenwriting by creating an explicit awareness of how they operate within a well-known genre and format. By doing so, the work offers simultaneously a perfect and an imperfect screenplay. It contributes to the field of screenwriting in the academy through the performative potential of the screenplay as a research artefact.' (Publication abstract)
All She Could See, Denise Beckton , single work short story
So Much Tongue, Leonie Brialey , single work prose
Women, Birth, Life and Death : From the Fictionalised Diary of Mary Dean, Donna Lee Brien , extract diary
Mutitjulu Diary : Notes from February/March 1996, Barbara Brooks , single work diary
Snap, Marion Campbell , single work short story

Research background

'Butler (1990) theorises that some writers explore sexuality as reiteration and performance. But how to write the erotic encounter between reciprocal readers whose bodies are caught in the lag of longing at the onset of death? Can dream and masquerade be enlisted to the task? The second-person address can be manipulative, associated as it is with the didactic. While it is kept in reflexive play in some high-modernist metafiction (Calvino 1979), and Wittig (1973) deploys the metamorphic potential of the lesbian I-you, how might the second person enable intimacy and reflexivity at once? '

Dumpster Diving : A Family Excursion (The Researching Parent/parenting Researcher), Shady Cosgrove , single work autobiography
Pressed Specimens, Moya Costello , single work prose
City Ghosts, Enza Gandolfo , single work short story
Leonard’s Gambit, Thomas Hamlyn-Harris , single work prose
Harlequin Blue; or, A Place like Paris and a New Brain Map, Ashley Haywood , single work prose
By the Fingernails, Nigel Krauth , single work short story
Birth, Jeri Kroll , single work short story
Ghazali"I woke to a fine sifting in the air outside my tent", Anthony Lawrence , single work poetry
The Carillon, Jarryd Luke , single work short story
The Speculative Fiction Umbrella, Gay Lynch , single work short story
Little Snatches : Becoming-girl, Becoming-woman through the Touching Glass, Nollie Nahrung , single work prose
What You Don’t Know, Camilla Nelson , extract prose