South single work   prose  
Issue Details: First known date: 2015... 2015 South
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Out of Place : Prose Poems and Microfiction Kirsten Tranter (editor), Linda Godfrey (editor), Strawberry Hills : Spineless Wonders , 2015 8912045 2015 anthology poetry short story

    'These are stories rendered in miniature and moments inscribed with precise focus. Australia's best microwordsmiths offer journeys in words that will take you somewhere surprising. A stolen glimpse of a father dancing alone to music; Gothic landscapes on the New South Wales coast; incredible spectrums in the colours of butterflies; Aussie cricket and climate change; remembrances of an exiled home land or the awkward sexual politics at a funeral. These stories capture delightful and unsettling moments of estrangement, when the new becomes familiar and the ordinary, sublime. ' (Publication summary)

    Strawberry Hills : Spineless Wonders , 2015
    pg. 95
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