y separately published work icon Gargouille periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2014... vol. 1 Spring 2014 of Gargouille est. 2014 Gargouille
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* Contents derived from the 2014 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
une Petite Morti"eating crab tonight I thought of you", Marjon Mossammaparast , single work poetry (p. 13)
The Women Who Hit Me : An Extracti"Last night my love, I dreamt I had a penis.", Gretta Mitchell , single work poetry (p. 14-17)
Against the Grain, Vahri McKenzie , single work short story (p. 19-27)
Storyboarding Glory-Be, Yve Louis , single work prose (p. 28-31)
I Made Myself a Loveri"I made myself a lover", Jenny Blackford , single work poetry (p. 34-35)
My Inner Lolita Knows How to Kowtowi"In the dark quiet", Carrie Maya , single work poetry (p. 36-37)
From the Life and Songs of City Foxi"City fox came last", Raphael Kabo , single work poetry (p. 39-43)
The Horses, James Gard , single work short story (p. 45-57)
Form, Condell Rustichelli , single work short story (p. 58-59)
Superficial Burnsi"You had ash stains of a childhood left", Rafael S. W. , single work poetry (p. 60-61)
Letter Street, Alison Coppe , single work short story (p. 63-69)
Have Your Cake, Liz McShane , single work prose (p. 72-101)
The Big Bridei"She woke the morning of the night", James Norcliffe , single work poetry (p. 102-103)
Dundo, Fikret Pajalic , single work short story (p. 105-113)
Manifesto of the Mirror City, Raphael Kabo , single work prose (p. 115-118)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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