Asylum Seeker Narratives

(Status : Public)
Coordinated by AustLit UQ Team
  • Aashiana : Life of Refugees in Detention and Living with TPV's : Art and Poetry

    An anthology produced by the Hazara Ethnic Society in Australia.

    Locate library holdings of this anthology here.

  • The Journey

    A story of refugees from a young Australian writer.

  • African Superhero

    This story appears in comic-book form. Refugees are brought to Australia by a superhero. Upon arrival they are put into detention centres. After release, they work hard, buy houses, and have a party. (...more)
    See full AustLit entry
  • AIR! Australia Is Refugees

    Winning essays and stories from the Australians Against Racism Young Writers Competition, 2002. Includes judges' reports and a complete list of the winning and highly commended writers. (...more)
    See full AustLit entry
  • Before the Teddy Bear Workshop There Was Nothing

    A short story of women and detention centres.

  • The Book of African Australian Stories

    Born from a series of story telling and art workshops for children and young people from Liberian, Somalian, Eritrean, Sierra Leonean, Sudanese, Ethiopian and Congolese backgrounds

  • Bread and Other Stories

    'A collection of poetry, letters and prose by Afghan, Arab and Bosnian Australian women' (4). (...more)
    See full AustLit entry


    • Imagine / Redija Hodzic
    • A chronology of war / Latifa Ahmadzi
    • So fragile / Omeima Sukkarieh
    • Letter to Yasmin / Latifa Ahmadzai, Samila Hatami, Shafiqa Rahil, Aqila Reza, Rukhshana Sarwar
    • And if I should die / Samila Hatami
    • Leaving Afghanistan / Aqila Reza
    • A story about a girl / Maader-E-Nilab
    • A funny thing happened to me / Omeima Sukkarieh
    • Bread story / Narges Sarwar
    • Naan: a recipe
    • I step across centuries / Rukhshana Sarwar
    • Silence that speaks and dreams that cry / Omeima Sukkarieh, Mia Zahra
    • Mazar-e-Sharif, 1996 / Rukhshana Sarwar
    • My mother's story / Latifa Ahmadzai
    • A house stands on a woman / Redija Hodzic
  • Dark Dreams: Australian Refugee Stories

    image of person or book cover
    This image has been sourced from online.

    'Dark Dreams: Australian refugee stories is a unique anthology of essays, interviews, and stories written by children and young adults. The stories are the finest of hundreds collected through a nationwide schools competition in 2002. The essays and stories represent many different countries and themes. Some focus on survival, some on horrors, some on the experiences and alienation of a new world. This book will have a a key role to play in schools across Australia. Eva Sallis's first novel Hiam won The Australian Vogel and the Dobbie Literary Awards.

    See full AustLit entry

    An anthology of essays, interviews and short stories written by children and young adults aged 11-20. These young people relate or imaginatively recreate the story of someone who came to Australia as a refugee.

  • Departure Land

    A short story set in Villawood Detention Centre.

  • For the 'Sins' of the Parents

    A short prose piece on children in detention and abuse.

  • Four Shots at Silence


    WHATEVER ELSE I may have expected on arrival at that detention camp in the far north of South Australia I did not expect Babak. Babak was thirteen years old. He was from Afghanistan, an asylum seeker with his lips sewn together. Crude thread zigzagged from needle hole to bloodied needle hole. He sat, listening to what I had to say, slumped in the dust among sixteen others, enduring a temperature upwards of forty degrees. All of them had inflamed lips bruised around the stitches. Politely they listened. Once I had finished I was told none spoke English...

  • Home

    Short story about a Villawood detainee, published in Meanjin, 2010.

    First paragraph:

    The government has given Ahmed a house to the west of the city, a stone's throw from Rookwood Cemetery. His friend, Bert, brought him here. As Ahmed's official visitor, Bert brought sweets and books to Villawood. He took Ahmed some new black socks once and cigarettes, though neither of them smoked. Bert's eyes are an odd blue and when he laughs lines fan from them. There is a gap between his front teeth. 'Now we are unofficial,' Bert said on the day of Ahmed's release. And Ahmed nodded, grateful to have a friend at last.

  • Lost in Transit

    A story of visa regulations, Australians overseas, and helplessness in the face of bureaucracy.

  • A Monstrous Infection

    An exploration of infection–both literal and metaphorical.

  • Nauru : Counting the Human Cost

    A prose piece on despair and detention centres.

  • Of Clouds and Friends

    A short story of Villawood Detention Centre.

  • A Place of Refuge

    Focusing on despair and detention, this story takes place in Woomera.

  • The Villawood Express & Other Stories

    ' The Villawood Express & Other Stories revolves around themes of love, loss, identity, displacement and fate. At the heart of each story is a conflict, sometimes deeply psychological and disturbing and, in others, more sociological but intense in its impact on the characters.' -- From the publisher's website. (...more)
    See full AustLit entry

    At the heart of each of these stories is a conflict, sometimes deeply psychological and disturbing and, in others, more sociological but intense in its impact on the characters.

  • The Place Where God Died

    The experiences of a Kosovo Albanian family in the Port Hedland Detention Centre. (...more)
    See full AustLit entry

    The experiences of a Kosovo Albanian family in the Port Hedland Detention Centre.

  • Poetry Across Rooftops

    This anthology contains, along with the forward, introduction, and a history of Dobaiti poetry, ten collaboratively composed pieces that combine Dobaiti poetry and prose. The contributors to these communally produced texts are Aqila Reza , Nooria Razban , Nasima Rafat , Zahera Noor, Nabila Mushrif , Samila Hatami, Aqila Hassani, Toorpikai Hashemi, Nadera Hakimi, Hadisa Aymaq, Sediqa Anwari, Latifa Ahmadzai, Habiba Shafaq, and Lailuma Reza. (...more)
    See full AustLit entry
  • Refugee African Muslim Youth (RAMY)

    A collection of stories and artworks by RAMY.

    Find library holdings of this text here.

  • Seri Lao

    From the 'Forword' by Kon Gouriotis:

    'This bi-lingual Seri Lao: An Anthology of Lao-Australian Refugee Writing is the first of its kind in Australia. It aims to create a forum for Lao-Australian voices to be read aloud, enabling diverse audiences to hear the personal and very moving stories of migration, history and the importance of Lao culture. 'Participants in this anthology are novelists, poets, community workers, ex-diplomats, lawyers, teachers and students. They are established and emerging writers across generations, genders, classes, ethnic and religious groups. This anthology incorporates a range of genres including poems, songs, short fiction and personal letters exploring the challenges of being a refugee, where home is neither your country of origin nor your country of residence. 'This anthology is a ground-breaking contribution to Lao-Australian writing while offering a celebration of the lives and an acknowledgement of the grief that still remains in many hearts of Lao-Australian refugees' (p. 13).

    • For each of the contributions, the text in Lao is followed by its translation into English. - A 'Glossary of Lao Terms' appears on pages 174-175.
  • Sindbad Sails South

    A satirical story of prejudice and Australian culture.

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