Asylum Seeker Narratives

(Status : Public)
Coordinated by AustLit UQ Team
  • This is a small selection of news articles that specifically feature the first-person stories of asylum seekers. The distinction is made to include people's stories, as opposed to articles that simply mention asylum seekers or related government policy.

  • Craftsman Stitches His Life Back Together in a Welcoming Land / The Age, 14 April 2007

  • Refugees Reject Australian Camp Treatment

    'Lagos (P.M. News, September 28, 2000) Three Somali asylum seekers have asked Australian immigration officials to send them home, saying they prefer possible death and torture in Somalia to ...'

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  • Dr Sultan and the Poet Mohsen

  • Drawing Compassion - Arts

    Article from The Age: 26th November 2004.

    Journalist: Robin Usher.

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  • Open Letter from an Infectious Disease Physician: Dear Scott Morrison / Crikey

    Dear Mr Morrison,

    I am writing to you regarding your press release dated yesterday, 27th February, 2012,entitled 'Typhoid cases on latest boats highlight the risk of Labor's border failures'.

    I believe it was a crass piece of political opportunism and was not only using the plight of asylum seekers for point-scoring, but plumbed new depths by making the health conditions suffered by these unfortunate people a further reason for the Australian population to fear them. Even worse than this, however is the gross misrepresentation you committed through your obviously limited understanding of communicable disease and the methods for describing its frequency.

    View here.

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