'In this twisted allegory set in 2500 AD, Big Bad Ben, a knockabout, larrikin refugee wolf, is on the run from the humans. Why? Because he’s eaten too many pigs. Big Bad Ben works for the humans and he has to kill and eat mutant pigs from outta space. But the humans turn on him and set him up and throw him in jail.
'Then, there’s trouble and discrimination. When he escapes from Earth on a rusty space shuttle to the Planet of Sticks, the Planet of Straw and the Planet of … you guessed it — McSpaceMansions! — he encounters rejection at every turn by a money-hungry gang of pigs that holds all the power. WE THE PIGGERRY INC., design a pill called Excess and mix it into the drinking water. Every pig on these planets is a glut and is on a constant high of warm and fuzzy thoughts. The irony is that even if Big Bad Ben is granted refugee status, the last planet which he travels to is broke and disconnected. ' (Publication summary)