Biblioteca Editori Associati di Tascabili Biblioteca Editori Associati di Tascabili i(7066078 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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7 24 y separately published work icon Caleb's Crossing : A Novel Geraldine Brooks , ( trans. Massimo Ortelio with title L'isola dei due mondi ) Italy : Biblioteca Editori Associati di Tascabili , 2013 Z1753531 2011 single work novel historical fiction

'In 1665, Caleb Cheeshahteaumuck was the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College. Here, Pulitzer Prize winner Brooks imagines that Caleb was befriended by Bethia Mayfield, whose minister father wants to convert the neighboring Wampanoag and makes educating Caleb one of his goals. Bethia, herself desperate for book learning, ends up as an indentured servant in Cambridge, watching Caleb bridge two cultures.'

Source: Readings website,
Sighted: 10/01/2011