Barry Smith Barry Smith i(6488628 works by)
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1 y separately published work icon Victoria's Twins : The Rise of Manchester and Melbourne Barry Smith , Australia : Barry Smith , 2017 10779986 2017 single work novel historical fiction

'This is a rich and dramatic historical novel that experiences the flowering of Manchester and Melbourne, two of the most significant cities of Queen Victoria’s Empire, as they emerged and flourished during the turbulent years of the 19th and Early 20th centuries.

'Both gave birth to world famous, liberal leaning newspapers, The Manchester Guardian and The Melbourne Age, which referee the game through the astutely, forensic eyes of their most illustrious and campaigning editors, C.P. Scott and David Syme but, who still can’t help taking sides and entering the play.

'It is in two parts.

'Firstly The Beginning Years, from 1854 to the start of WW1, follows the life and adventures of a former Manchester Guardian compositor who migrates to Melbourne in time to join the Age, as it reports the beginning of the Eureka rebellion and starts to comment on and shape the colony’s and Australia’s turbulent path to State and Nationhood. With the constant oversight of Scott and Syme drawing out the similarities with Manchester’s complementary fight for civil and political liberties and economic power.

'Secondly, The Later Years relates experiences and escapades of a contemporary Manchester migrant, fleeing the dead hand of British socialism in the sixties only to land in the thick of Gough Whitlam’s Prime Ministership and the gradual awakening of Melbourne from its prudish and censorial post war manacles to become the exciting cultural melting pot and social, sporting and culinary pace-setter for Australia, that it is today.

'As at many times in their histories, the Guardian and the Age are in serious, if not terminal, economic trouble but their great powerhouse cities thrive and grow in the 21st century as never before.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Kimberley Kill Barry Smith , Melbourne : Barry Smith , 2013 6861577 2013 single work novel war literature

'Kimberley Kill is the third in The Kimberley Trilogy of Australian adventure novels which span the first, second and, yet to come, third world war.

'Frustrated by its inability to acquire sufficient energy to power its ever expanding economy, China has invaded Russia, annexing the Siberian oil and gas fields and precipitating World War Three.

'A key satellite communication base in the Kimberley is threatened by invading Indonesian special forces. All that stands in their way is a small Norforce patrol backed by an Aboriginal tribe, whose female leader is intent on avenging the murder of her father, their Elder, and the desecration of their Wandjina guardian.

'Three strong-minded and determined people—the devout Muslim leader of the Indonesian Kopassus force, the MIT-trained daughter of an assassinated Aboriginal elder and the middle-aged, former SAS Anglo, gas platform engineer and part-time leader of the Norforce patrol—strive to assert and impose their conflicting beliefs and loyalties when they clash in a chase across the Kimberley wilderness.' (Publisher's blurb)

1 y separately published work icon Battle for the North Barry Smith , Melbourne : Barry Smith , 2012 6488650 2012 single work novel war literature

'Battle for the North is the second in The Kimberley Trilogy of Australian adventure novels which span the first, second and, yet to come, third world war. It reunites the heroes and heroines of For Freedom's Cause -Dan, Charlie, Elspeth Liza and Alice, in frustrating Japanese espionage plots and raids into northern Australia during World War 2. The action takes place in the Kimberley wilderness and celebrates the daring and heroism of mounted North Australian Observer Unit patrols, nicknamed the 'Nackeroos' or 'Curtin's Cowboys.'

'The North Australia Observer Unit, formed in 1942 to protect the north of Australia from a Japanese attack, consisted of around 500 men and their aboriginal guides, stretched from Wyndham to Cape York, and was headed by the anthropologist William Stanner.' (Publisher's blurb)

1 y separately published work icon For Freedom's Cause Barry Smith , Melbourne : Barry Smith , 2011 6861516 2011 single work novel war literature historical fiction

'For Freedom's Cause is a historical, romantic thriller set in England and Australia between the world wars. It follows the adventures and growing relationship between a working class English army officer, from Manchester, Dan Bevan, and a Melbourne barrister, serving with the Australian Light Horse, Charlie Elliott, who met, by chance, during the First World War and the strong women in their lives. Having survived several of the major battles, both men are so disillusioned with the homes and occupations they return to, that Dan volunteers to suppress the republican rebellion in Ireland and Charlie joins an underground army to stand-up against mob riots in Melbourne. Despite their contrasting social origins and differing views on what form of government is best for preserving freedom and maintaining civil order, they become firm friends and when Dan is targeted by vengeful IRA assassins, he accepts Charlie's invitation to escape to Australia where he intends settling down peacefully in Melbourne, with the love of his life who unknown to him has born him a son. When IRA gunmen pursue him from Melbourne to Perth he is forced to flee to a cattle station in the Kimberley where, finally reunited with his wife and son, he confronts his nemesis in that vast and mystical wilderness. For Freedom's Cause is the first book in The Kimberley Trilogy of Australian adventure novels which span the first, second and, yet to come, third world war.' (Publisher's blurb)

1 y separately published work icon Kimberley Trilogy Barry Smith , 2011 Melbourne : Barry Smith , 2011- 6861494 2011 series - author novel historical fiction war literature