image of person or book cover 2823736148512313002.jpg
This image has been sourced from Goodreads.
y separately published work icon Battle for the North single work   novel   war literature  
Is part of Kimberley Trilogy Barry Smith , 2011 series - author novel (number 2 in series)
Issue Details: First known date: 2012... 2012 Battle for the North
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Battle for the North is the second in The Kimberley Trilogy of Australian adventure novels which span the first, second and, yet to come, third world war. It reunites the heroes and heroines of For Freedom's Cause -Dan, Charlie, Elspeth Liza and Alice, in frustrating Japanese espionage plots and raids into northern Australia during World War 2. The action takes place in the Kimberley wilderness and celebrates the daring and heroism of mounted North Australian Observer Unit patrols, nicknamed the 'Nackeroos' or 'Curtin's Cowboys.'

'The North Australia Observer Unit, formed in 1942 to protect the north of Australia from a Japanese attack, consisted of around 500 men and their aboriginal guides, stretched from Wyndham to Cape York, and was headed by the anthropologist William Stanner.' (Publisher's blurb)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • Melbourne, Victoria,: Barry Smith , 2012 .
      image of person or book cover 2823736148512313002.jpg
      This image has been sourced from Goodreads.
      ISBN: 9780987177933 (pbk), 9780987177940 (ebk-e-pub), 9780987177957 (ebk-Kindle)
Last amended 17 Nov 2021 10:21:30
  • Kimberley area, North Western Australia, Western Australia,
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