'Johnny is withdrawing into a world of gaming, social media and pornography as his relationship with Julia at home founders. Meeting a young girl from Eastern Europe in a chat room he is quickly drawn into an online game and begins spending large sums on maintaining his avatar, as well as making some dangerous choices in his friendship with the girl. Incorporating stunning visual effects and computer animation, the virtual world in ROAM becomes a battlefield for minds, hearts and credit cards. Can immersion in internet relationships render real world communication obsolete? How much of ourselves do we keep secreted away from our closest intimates?' (Red Stitch website)
Playing at the Red Stitch Actors Theatre, St Kilda, 10 October-19 November, 2013. Directed by Gary Abrahams.
'As our lives move more and more rapidly online, Australian playwright Adam Cass seems to find himself with more material.'
'As our lives move more and more rapidly online, Australian playwright Adam Cass seems to find himself with more material.'