Issue Details: First known date: 1838... vol. 4 no. 287 25 July 1838 of Commercial Journal and Advertiser est. 1835 Commercial Journal and Advertiser
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* Contents derived from the 1838 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Actual Triumph!!, Barlow , single work
Advertisement for: 'Engraver, Lithographer, and Copper-plate Printer'.
(p. 1)
Royal Victoria Theatre : Katherine & Petruchio &c., single work advertisement

Advertisement for performances at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, on 26 July 1838 to include 'Shakespeare's Play, entitled Katherine & Petruchio. Petruchio ... by Mr. Joseph Simmons', the 'Melo-Drama, entitled Mabel's Curse' and the 'Laughable Farce, called Raising the Wind. Jeremy Diddler ... by Mr. Joseph Simmons'.

(p. 1)
The Theatre, single work review
— Review of Speed the Plough Thomas Morton , 1800 single work drama ; Frederick the Great; or, The Female Sentinel John Maddison Morton , 1837 single work musical theatre ;

Review of the performance of the plays at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, on 23 July 1838. The performance of Frederick the Great is only briefly mentioned.

(p. 2)
A Madman's Manuscript, Charles Dickens , extract novel (p. 4)
Note: Author unattributed in this source.
The Drowned Shepherd, William Hamilton Maxwell , extract [prose ] (p. 4)
Last amended 6 Sep 2013 12:54:23
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