'Maginnis is in love — again. He's been seeing Carmen Francis, an intelligent, attractive, newly-qualified lawyer. They met when Carmen acted for a client with a claim against the dry cleaners. She's just perfect, and for Maginnis, this feels like it could quite possibly go on forever and ever and ever. True love though, never runs smoothly, and pretty soon, Maginnis finds himself in a sticky predicament. First, Maginnis is shocked to discover that Carmen is married — well, separated. Her husband is Noel Pomeroy, a used car dealer. Second, he's dead. Third, Carmen's at the scene. Fourth, Noel Pomeroy was killed with the wheel changer from Carmen's car. Fifth, Carmen begs him to alibi her. Maginnis looks into her eyes, loses all sense of logic — and agrees.'
Source: Australian Television Information Archive. (Sighted: 11/6/2013)