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Late 20th Century Anthologies
A Resourceful Reading Project led by Professor Gillian Whitlock
  • About

    Professor Gillian Whitlock's component of Resourceful Reading focuses on processes of selection, connection and interpretation of texts in critical anthologies in Australian literature. AustLit was used to explore an identified increase in the publication of anthologies late last century and the role of the anthology in the debates about Australian literature, culture and society.

    Two case studies were developed:

    1. How does the information now available lead to revisions about theories of feminism and Australian writing that shaped the critical introduction to an edited collection of women's writing, Eight Voices of the Eighties (1989)?
    2. What has been the role of the anthology in fostering Indigenous writing in Australia?

    Professor Whitlock's book chapter discusses the results of this project.

    Whitlock, Gillian. 'Voices from the Past: Gender, Politics, and the Anthology' in Resourceful Reading: The New Empiricism, eResearch and Australian Literary Culture. Eds. Katherine Bode and Robert Dixon. Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2009. 274-295.

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