'In 2023, Meanjin and Overland are known as two of Australia’s preeminent and oldest literary magazines. Both are quarterly print publications that also publish new material online through their respective websites. Their output ranges across poetry, short stories and essays (including personal essays, cultural commentary and other forms of creative nonfiction), as well as a sprinkling of visual art. If you are an Australian writer working on anything shorter than a book, Meanjin and Overland are probably near the top of your list of places to submit, and then as the rejections roll in, you work your way down that list. How writers choose between these two literary magazines is largely arbitrary, or perhaps informed by personal relationships, though one important distinction seems to be that Overland is known to be more “political” or “radical” in its publishing strategy. Another distinction is that Meanjin tends to pay writers a little bit more. But otherwise they occupy very similar territory in the cultural imagination of Australia.'