'E. G. (“Jerry”) Moll is probably the most substantial Australian poet you think you might have heard of, but aren’t quite sure. He gets brief coverage in the older standard histories like H. M. Green’s, and entries in the modern online encyclopedias like the Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry. He is represented in many Australian anthologies across the twentieth century, the most recent inclusion being “On Having Grown Old” (TP 242) in Jamie Grant’s, One Hundred Australian Poems You Need to Know (2008). Earlier, he was selected by anthologists including George Mackaness, Kenneth Slessor, Douglas Stewart, Judith Wright, and Les Murray. He is well covered in AustLit (of course), and there is extra biographical material on a webpage maintained by Dirk Spennemann at https://marshall.csu.edu.au/Marshalls/html/Literature/Moll.html' (Introduction)