Denis Daly Denis Daly i(28858834 works by)
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3 4 y separately published work icon Saltbush Bill, J. P., and Other Verses A. B. Paterson , ( nar. Denis Daly ) Australia Massachusetts : Voices of Today Spoken Realms , 2024 Z822801 1917 selected work poetry
2 7 y separately published work icon Rio Grande's Last Race and Other Verses A. B. Paterson , ( nar. Denis Daly ) Australia Massachusetts : Voices of Today Spoken Realms , 2024 Z822777 1902 selected work poetry
2 y separately published work icon The Lifestyle and Adventures of Ace Mcdice, Stretch Deed & Moonshine Melody Doug McPhillips , ( nar. Denis Daly ) Australia : Doug McPhillips Voices of Today , 2024 29239362 2022 single work novel western

'It tells of each character's lifestyle and united bent as wild men of Australia's west who set upon a plan to rob the Sugar and Tea Express. How the plan manifested and what drove them to an apparent reckless course in gaining the never-to-be-found robbery reward is a colourful story herein. The story tells of the life they all led before and after the robbery, but in life gaining wealth by devious means always seems to ultimately bring later regrets. Well at least for read on.'  (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon A Banjo Paterson Collection A. B. Paterson , ( nar. Denis Daly ) Massachusetts Australia : Spoken Realms Voices of Today , 2024 29237023 2024 selected work poetry
4 2 Shearing in the Riverina, New South Wales Rolf Boldrewood , ( nar. Denis Daly ) Perth : Voices of Today , 2023 Z361880 1870 single work prose
— Appears in: In Bad Company and Other Stories 1901; (p. 296-320) Rolf Boldrewood : Robbery Under Arms, Essays and Short Stories 1979; (p. 465-484)
2 19 y separately published work icon The Glugs of Gosh C. J. Dennis , ( nar. Denis Daly et. al. )agent Australia : Voices of Today , 2022 Z855632 1917 selected work poetry humour satire The Glugs of Gosh was C. J. Dennis' fourth book and his third with illustrator Hal Gye and publishers Angus and Robertson. It was published shortly before Doreen the miniature sequel to The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke, which had been dashed off for marketing as a Christmas gift in late 1917. The Glugs of Gosh, however, not only abandoned the vernacular idiom of Dennis' 'Sentimental Bloke' works, it also carried a very different message. With his invented race of 'Glugs' who inhabited the mythical land of 'Gosh', Dennis created a sly satire on social conformity, intellectual cowardice, and incompetent governance. But as Philip Butterss points out, the simple style of the work is also highly reminiscent of Dennis' verse for children.

According to Dennis' wife, The Glugs of Gosh had originated as verse penned to 'amuse' Barry Roberts, the younger son of Dennis' friends and patrons, Garry and Roberta Roberts. The Roberts' presentation copy of the eventual work is annotated 'B. J. Roberts - Sep. 1917 / For whom 'Joi the Glug' was written on 23.6.1914'. In 1915, Dennis saw fit to expand the idea for a wider audience. Six of the thirteen poems in The Glugs of Gosh (and part of a seventh), were published in the Bulletin, the first being 'Joi, the Glug', which appeared on 3 June 1915.

After the extraordinary success of The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke, Angus and Robertson were evidently keen to test the limits of Dennis' popularity, and he was commissioned to expand his 'Glugs' series as a book. Dennis' wife wrote that the couple were married (July 1917) after the completion of the book, and that shortly thereafter they travelled to Sydney and met Dennis' publisher George Robertson, and The Glugs of Gosh went to press. Dennis dedicated the work to his wife.

Angus and Robertson published The Glugs of Gosh in a variety of different editions. The ordinary edition was priced at Four Shillings, as was the 'Pocket Edition for the Trenches' - which hoped to capitalise on the wartime popularity of Dennis' earlier works. The Glugs of Gosh was not a commercial success, however. The deluxe 'Blue Wren' edition initially published by Angus and Robertson at Seven Shillings and Sixpence was eventually remaindered at Sixpence a copy, and an edition that had been advertised for publication in North America (as The Stones of Gosh) was apparently never issued. In 1974, an abridged version of The Glugs of Gosh, containing two poems from the original work arranged as a continuous narrative, was published as a children's book.

5 17 The Loaded Dog Henry Lawson , 1899 ( nar. Denis Daly ) Australia Massachusetts : Voices of Today Spoken Realms , 2022 1899 single work short story humour
— Appears in: Joe Wilson and His Mates 1901; (p. 183-193) Australian Short Stories 1928; (p. 185-193) The Herald , 16 July no. 17836 1934; (p. 17) The Herald , 5 June no. 18113 1935; (p. 14) The Children's Lawson 1949; (p. 7-16) Hemisphere , vol. 2 no. 11 1958; (p. 20-23)

— Appears in: Victorian Readers : Sixth Book 1929; (p. 151-156) Victorian Readers : Sixth Book 1940; (p. 150-155)

— Appears in: Australian Short Stories 1930; (p. 89-102)

— Appears in: Australian Short Stories 2005; (p. 21-37)
Dave and Andy create a bomb to blast fish out of the waterhole. However their dog picks the bomb up and begins a deadly, yet hilarious, game of 'fetch'.
1 y separately published work icon C. J. Dennis Collection C. J. Dennis , ( nar. Sarah Bacaller et. al. )agent Australia Massachusetts : Voices of Today Spoken Realms , 2022 29236427 2022 selected work short story

'Between 1915 and 1921, C. J. Dennis published seven verse novels and two collections of poetry. The first of these was The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke, which features Dennis' characteristic use of a distinctive Australian argot and which became an immediate bestseller.'  (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Australian Christmas Yarns, Volume 2 Mary Grant Bruce , ( nar. Denis Daly et. al. )agent Australia : Voices of Today , 2022 29234259 2022 selected work short story 'This collection follows on from Australian Christmas Yarns Volume I and consists of 10 stories by notable Australian author Mary Grant Bruce (1878-1958). These stories sketch challenges of landscape, relationship, loss, and hope.' (Publication summary)
2 22 y separately published work icon Joe Wilson and His Mates Henry Lawson , ( nar. Denis Daly et. al. )agent Australia : Voices of Today , 2021 Z176014 1901 selected work short story
2 19 y separately published work icon The Jerilderie Letter Ned Kelly , ( nar. Denis Daly ) Australia : Voices of Today , 2021 Z855917 1879 single work correspondence (taught in 3 units)

'I have been wronged and my mother and four or five men lagged innocent and is my brothers and sisters and my mother not to be pitied also who has no alternative only to put up with the brutal and cowardly conduct of a parcel of big ugly fat-necked wombat headed big bellied magpie legged narrow hipped splaw-footed sons of Irish Bailiffs or english landlords which is better known as Officers of Justice or Victorian Police…

'Outlaw, murderer, self-proclaimed victim, Ned Kelly is an Australian icon. But who was he? Kelly’s extraordinary achievement is to have provided his own answer to that question. The Jerilderie Letter is his remarkable manifesto and a startling record of his voice.

'Kelly delivered his letter, which Joe Byrne had diligently written out, on Monday 10 February 1879, immediately after his gang had held up the Bank of New South Wales in Jerilderie. He gives an impassioned defence of his actions, condemns those who have wronged him, and sends a chilling warning to those who may yet defy him.

'This illustrated edition, transcribed from the manuscript now housed in the State Library of Victoria, includes a fascinating new introduction by the historian Alex McDermott. The Jerilderie Letter remains one of the most astonishing documents in Australian history.' (Publication summary)

3 14 y separately published work icon Where the Dead Men Lie, and Other Poems Barcroft Boake , Alfred George Stephens (editor), ( nar. Amy Soakes et. al. )agent Australia : Voices of Today , 2021 Z866614 1897 selected work poetry
2 1 y separately published work icon Three Elephant Power and Other Stories A. B. Paterson , ( nar. Denis Daly ) Australia : Voices of Today , 2021 Z385668 1917 selected work short story humour
3 12 y separately published work icon Backblock Ballads and Other Verses Den , ( nar. Denis Daly et. al. )agent Australia Massachusetts : Voices of Today Spoken Realms , 2020 Z518065 1913 selected work poetry humour
3 2 Rose of Spadgers : A Sequel to "Ginger Mick" C. J. Dennis , ( nar. Sarah Bacaller et. al. )agent Australia Massachusetts : Voices of Today Spoken Realms , 2020 Z507585 1924 selected work poetry humour
— Appears in: The Complete Sentimental Bloke 2001;
1 y separately published work icon Australian Christmas Yarns : Volume 1 Mary Grant Bruce , ( nar. Sarah Bacaller et. al. )agent Australia : Voices of Today , 2020 29234036 2020 selected work short story 'This collection of short stories by notable Australian author Mary Grant Bruce (1878-1958) reflects on Australian experiences of summertime. Infused with the smells, sounds, and textures of Australian life during the Christmas season, these stories also highlight the strengths and yearnings of their characters.'  (Publication summary)
3 61 The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke C. J. Dennis , ( nar. Denis Daly et. al. )agent Australia Massachusetts : Voices of Today Spoken Realms , 2019 Z429076 1915 selected work poetry humour
— Appears in: The Complete Sentimental Bloke 2001;

Arguably the most popular book of poetry ever produced in Australia, The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke was first published in October 1915. Its success was immediate and unprecedented for a book of Australian verse. The first edition of 2,480 copies sold out within weeks, and by the end of February 1916 the book had reached a fifth impression and was still selling well. Tongue firmly in cheek, C. J. Dennis informed his publishers Angus and Robertson that the work's 'success [was] becoming monotonous'. There was more monotony to come, however: the book sold more than 100,000 copies in the first five years after its publication, and was rarely out of print in Dennis's lifetime. Added to this, there were film, stage, and musical versions of the work, as well as recitals given by popular entertainers. In many respects, 'The Sentimental Bloke' became a phenomenon of popular culture that took on a life of its own.

Dennis later claimed that the idea for 'The Sentimental Bloke' came from a 'racy' young man from Melbourne he had met in Toolangi. According to Dennis' wife Margaret Herron, the young man had fallen in love with a farmer's daughter, but the farmer disapproved and forbade her from having anything to do with him. The Melbourne man was said to have complained to Dennis, 'what sort of bloke do they think I am? Blimey, anyone would think I was a crook! Ain't a bloke got sisters of his own?' In Dennis's imagination, this frustrated love affair eventually became a story in which a tough, streetwise young larrikin gives up his dissolute ways for domestic happiness with his sweetheart. A crucial factor in the success of Dennis's 'Sentimental Bloke' verse was that it was narrated from the point of view of 'the Bloke', employing a slang idiom appropriate to the character. In his correspondence with his publishers, Dennis noted that 'the stuff, while not having any considerable literary merit, is, I believe, extremely popular'.

2 7 y separately published work icon Digger Smith C. J. Dennis , ( nar. Sarah Bacaller et. al. )agent Australia Massachusetts : Voices of Today Spoken Realms , 2019 Z372422 1918 selected work poetry humour
2 15 y separately published work icon The Moods of Ginger Mick C. J. Dennis , ( nar. Denis Daly et. al. )agent Australia Massachusetts : Voices of Today Spoken Realms , 2019 Z372216 1916 selected work poetry humour
2 5 y separately published work icon Jim of the Hills : A Story in Rhyme C. J. Dennis , ( nar. Denis Daly et. al. )agent Australia Massachusetts : Voices of Today Spoken Realms , 2019 Z372114 1919 selected work poetry humour