y separately published work icon Australian Book Review periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2024... no. 465 June 2024 of Australian Book Review est. 1961 Australian Book Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2024 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Pascoe's Vision : Musings on Life and Country, Seumas Spark , single work review
— Review of Black Duck : A Year at Yumburra Bruce Pascoe , Lyn Harwood , 2024 single work autobiography ;

'I'm a whitefella who has never met Bruce Pascoe, but I’ve heard a lot about him. For the past few years, I have worked across Gippsland in the field of Aboriginal cultural heritage, and many of the people I meet mention his name. Experience has led me to try and dodge most of these conversations, knowing that our discussion will probably satisfy neither party, but I’m not having much luck. People want to talk about Pascoe, and often it is unpleasant. I have heard him described as a charlatan and worse, usually by those who have not met him, spoken with him, or read his work. Most of these critics are whitefellas, preoccupied with questioning or discrediting his Aboriginal heritage.' (Introduction)

(p. 14. 16)
Summer Winteri"winter nights", Anna Couani , single work poetry (p. 16)
‘Flies in the Nirvana’ : An Illuminating and Sisterly Correspondence, Peter Rose , single work review
— Review of Hazzard and Harrower : The Letters Shirley Hazzard , Elizabeth Harrower , 2024 selected work correspondence ;

'‘Everyone allows that the talent of writing agreeable letters is peculiarly female.’ So said Jane Austen in Northanger Abbey. Even allowing for Regency hyperbole, there is some truth in the sally. We think of the inimitable letters of Emily Dickinson, who once wrote to a succinct correspondent: ‘It were dearer had you protracted it, but the Sparrow must not propound his crumb.’ In 2001, Gregory Kratzmann edited A Steady Stream of Correspondence: Selected Letters of Gwen Harwood, 1943-1995. Anyone who ever received a letter or postcard from Harwood – surely our finest letter writer – knows what an event that was. She was nonpareil: witty, astringent, frank, irrepressible. Now we have this welcome collection of letters written by Elizabeth Harrower and Shirley Hazzard (unalphabetised on the cover, in a possible concession to the expatriate Hazzard’s international fame).' (Introduction) 

(p. 20-22)
Black Marketi"It moved. Like something a double agent might stifle.", Claire Potter , single work poetry (p. 22)
‘We, the Tamponauts’ : Lurching between Lyricism and Farce, Diane Stubbings , single work review
— Review of Only the Astronauts Ceridwen Dovey , 2024 selected work short story ;
'In late 1999, NASA announced that its Mars Climate Orbiter, a multi-million-dollar robot probe designed to study the weather and climate of Mars, was lost somewhere in space. The craft had failed to manoeuvre into its optimal orbit, ending either on a course towards the sun or in a fatal collision with the red planet. Investigations uncovered the source of the blunder: one team working on the orbiter had been using metric measurements, another team had been using imperial.' (Introduction)
(p. 24)
Dark Flowering : An Inspired Début Short Story Collection, Anthony Lynch , single work review
— Review of The Gorgon Flower John Richards , 2024 selected work short story ;
'In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899), the sailor Charles Marlow recalls captaining a river steamer in the Belgian Congo, a venture that becomes a search for the colonial agent Kurtz, said to be a brilliant if infamous ivory trader, who is ill and possibly mad. Marlow’s journey, of course, becomes a passage into psychological as well as (to the European mind) geographical darkness, and offers a damning portrait of Western imperialism.' (Introduction) 
(p. 25)
Reverberating Violence : Louise Milligan’s Fiction Début, Laura Woollett , single work review
— Review of Pheasants Nest Louise Milligan , 2024 single work novel ;

'Amid-career genre change is always cause for attention. Best known for her fearless investigations into institutional sexual abuse, it is hardly surprising that Louise Milligan should transfer her journalistic nous and commitment to social justice into the realm of crime fiction. Pheasants Nest is part of a movement in post-#MeToo crime fiction, which has flourished in Australia and abroad in the past decade. It challenges the norms of the genre to centre victims and amplify the reverberations of violence against women (recent examples include Jessica Knoll’s Bright Young Women and Jacqueline Bublitz’s Before You Knew My Name).' (Introduction) 

(p. 28)
The Not Knowing : A Novel Oceanic in Subject and Scope, Patrick Allington , single work
— Review of Safe Haven Shankari Chandran , 2024 single work novel ;

'You need to look closely at the cover of Shankari Chandran’s novel Safe Haven to notice the sharp edges of the deceptively inviting image it depicts: the handcuffs, the barbed wire, the boat that seems to sit on top of the waves and yet be at the bottom of the sea, and the rebuke contained in the book’s title.' (Introduction) 

(p. 29)
Invincible Summer : A Celestial Journey to the Limits of Grief, Naama Grey-Smith , single work review
— Review of Bright Objects Ruby Todd , 2024 single work novel ;

'One of the joys of reading – and a point of difference from narratives told on the various screens we turn to for leisure – is imagining a story’s mise en scène. Our mental pictures (termed phantasia by a group of British neurologists) are a strange alchemy of images from our memories, thoughts, and dreams. Though visualisation is not a universal experience, many readers may comment that a book-to-film adaptation was ‘exactly as I pictured it’ or else ‘nothing like what I saw in my mind’s eye’.' (Introduction) 

(p. 30)
Copyright and Its Discontents : Frank Moorhouse's Battle to Defend Authors, Matthew Lamb , single work criticism

'It is only a coincidence that my book Frank Moorhouse: Strange paths, the first in a two-volume cultural biography of the Australian author, ends in 1974 – the same year that Copyright Agency was incorporated – and that it was published in time to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of this incorporation. As Moorhouse himself always argued, such coincidences, chance happenings, and historical accidents are often far more important in shaping our culture than we like to concede.' (Introduction) 

(p. 33-34)
Backstage with Neil Armfield, single work interview (p. 41)
Hold Your Nerve, Natasha Sholl , single work essay (p. 42-45)
Damascene Moments : A Book about Split Psychological Selves, Paul Giles , single work review
— Review of Dark-Land : Memoir of a Secret Childhood Kevin Hart , 2024 single work autobiography ;
'Kevin Hart’s Dark-Land is the memoir of a distinguished poet and scholar who was born in England in 1954, moved with his family to Queensland when he was eleven, and migrated again in 2002 to the United States, where he is currently Professor of Christian Studies at the University of Virginia. Dark-Land is well-written and amusing, with memorable vignettes ranging from his time in a London primary school to his bonding as an Australian teenager with his cat Sooty. On a wider spectrum, though, Dark-Land addresses more weighty concerns around time, memory, and intellectual or religious illumination. He recalls as a child listening to a BBC performance of the allegorical journey invoked in John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, and he describes himself now as ‘still clambering up the hill I had known since childhood in London’. The title of his memoir signals this putative passage from darkness into light.' (Introduction) 
(p. 49-50)
What Time Is It? : Two Very Different Collections about Identity, Sam Ryan , single work review
— Review of The Blue Cocktail Audrey Molloy , 2023 selected work poetry ; Ekho Roslyn Orlando , 2024 selected work poetry ;

'Identity is a hard thing to define. What makes us who we are? We have social identities, shaped by our affinities and proximities to social groups, cultural identities informed by values, languages, rituals, traditions, and a whole multitude of different phenomena that combine to make us who we are.' (Introduction) 

(p. 54-55)
‘Good on You, Mate!’ : A Fearless and Charismatic Environmentalist, Anna Krien , single work review
— Review of John Büsst : Bohemian Artist and Saviour of Reef and Rainforest Iain McCalman , 2024 single work biography ;

'The ‘Bastard of Bingil Bay’ features on no banknote or coin, nor is he listed in any roll-call of ‘important Australians’, and yet, if it were not for John Büsst, it is likely that twenty-odd national parks and rainforest reserves on the far north-east coast of Queensland would not be so designated and might in fact have been obliterated. It is also probable that, without Büsst, today’s fight for the Great Barrier Reef would have already been lost, the vast ecosystem fragmented into a slew of cement quarries and cheap limestone pits. Considering the extent to which this vast coral labyrinth has shaped the identity of modern Australia, the relative absence of Büsst’s influence from the historical record is doubtless representative of the many such travesties historians seek to rectify.'  (Introduction)

(p. 57-58)
Open Page with Iain McCalman, single work interview (p. 59)