'Australian creators are reaching tens of millions of people around the world by creating content that appeals to under represented audiences and using non-traditional media to distribute it.'
'A film and television historian is retracing the steps of a cult classic Australian movie ahead of it being given a high-definition makeover.'
'Midway through the Australian gothic classic Wake in Fright, the leading man peels off from one of many manic, beer-fuelled brodowns in order to seek out the company of the woman of the house.'
'Australian director George Miller has returned to the wasteland, giving fans a first look at the much-anticipated next film in the Mad Max series.'
'In her critically acclaimed debut novel The Octopus and I (2020), Tasmanian author Erin Hortle relished the beauty of the waters surrounding Hobart.'
'Eamon Flack remembers the exact moment he first encountered The Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov's darkly satirical classic set in Soviet Russia.'
'Carl Tänzler was a German radiographer who, in the 1930s, lived for seven years with the corpse of the woman he loved.'
'Women still face many challenges as writers, impostor syndrome among them, says the director of a writers' festival in Australia.'
'Toby Walsh, one of Australia's most recognisable experts in artificial intelligence, has been thinking about the future of AI for a long time. He's even written books about it.'