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Issue Details: First known date: 2023... 2023 Cuttlefish : Western Australian Poets
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'"… a volume I hope will be read by an eclectic range of readers, offering a glimpse into contemporary poetry and its forms and concerns but also a reading experience guided by the very aesthetic of the book itself. It is a book to be read in a single sitting, or one or two poems savoured in a brief interlude found in the day. It is a small volume, a book that can be carried around, read on a train, a couch, a beach. It is not an anthology that needs to read formally at a desk, nor is it to be read and never picked up again. These are short poems that invite you to go back as many times as possible." Roland Leach, editor.' (Publication summary)


  • Content indexing in process.


* Contents derived from the Cottesloe, Inner Perth, Perth, Western Australia,:Sunline Press , 2023 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Harvest, Natalie Damjanovich-Napoleon , single work poetry (p. 73)
Cutting Hair, Samantha Boswell , single work poetry (p. 83)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Works about this Work

Poems to Share : An Admirable Anthology from Western Australia Brenda Walker , 2023 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , November no. 459 2023; (p. 42)

— Review of Cuttlefish : Western Australian Poets 2023 anthology poetry
'In Marion May Campbell’s poem ‘in the storeroom,’ which appears in Roland Leach’s anthology Cuttlefish, she writes that ‘poems are letters that go astray’ – a whimsical yet fitting definition of the kind of poetry that appears in this collection. In these digital times, there is something ceremonial about a letter: a personal communication which must be opened and held; possibly shared, intentionally or otherwise. The poems in this collection have a tight focus; each is confined to a single page. They are often personal, poems of memory and family, beginning with reminiscence and hinged with sharp insight. They may be poems about the natural world, thoughtful and observant like missives from a traveller.' 


Poems to Share : An Admirable Anthology from Western Australia Brenda Walker , 2023 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , November no. 459 2023; (p. 42)

— Review of Cuttlefish : Western Australian Poets 2023 anthology poetry
'In Marion May Campbell’s poem ‘in the storeroom,’ which appears in Roland Leach’s anthology Cuttlefish, she writes that ‘poems are letters that go astray’ – a whimsical yet fitting definition of the kind of poetry that appears in this collection. In these digital times, there is something ceremonial about a letter: a personal communication which must be opened and held; possibly shared, intentionally or otherwise. The poems in this collection have a tight focus; each is confined to a single page. They are often personal, poems of memory and family, beginning with reminiscence and hinged with sharp insight. They may be poems about the natural world, thoughtful and observant like missives from a traveller.' 


Last amended 16 Dec 2024 09:19:48
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