Issue Details: First known date: 2022... 2022 Reconciliation as a Discourse on Belief and One of Belief Itself : Exploring Alexis Wright's Carpentaria
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Polities and Poetics : Race Relations and Reconciliation in Australian Literature Adelle Sefton-Rowston , Oxford : Peter Lang , 2022 24390199 2022 multi chapter work criticism

    'A reconciliation movement spread across Australia during the 1990s, bringing significant marches, speeches, and policies across the country. Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians began imagining race relations in new ways and articulations of place, belonging, and being together began informing literature of a unique new genre. This book explores the political and poetic paradigms of reconciliation represented in Australian writing of this period. The author brings together textual evidence of themes and a vernacular contributing to the emergent genre of reconciliatory literature. The nexus between resistance and reconciliation is explored as a complex process to understanding sovereignty, colonial history, and the future of society. Moreover, this book argues it is creative writing that is most necessary for a deeper understanding of each other and of place, because it is writing that calls one to witness, to feel, and to imagine all at the same time.'

    Source: Publisher's blurb.

    Oxford : Peter Lang , 2022
    pg. 157-186
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