Issue Details: First known date: 2022... 2022 Broadening Your Students' Horizon : A Case Study of Text Selection in the Diverse and Changing World
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon English in Australia vol. 57 no. 1 2022 26448668 2022 periodical issue

    'The authors argue that although reform can lead to agentic reinvigoration of practice, it can also have negative effects on teachers' practices and wellbeing when rapid, whole-sale shifts are made. The alternative, to be subject to the discourse of 'curriculism', with its compromises on content and emphasis on cumulative learning and linear progression through learning 'levels', is described in Homer's 1994 keynote address. Homer argues that, as experts in the skills of textual analysis, it is fitting that English teachers 'should be at the forefront of making such analyses' of curriculum; a timely reminder this year as the revised Australian Curriculum is released, of the empowering benefits of reading curriculum texts analytically and critically, attending closely to the way they construct students, teachers and 'knowledge'.' (Publication summary)

    pg. 15-27
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