Note: this visualisation excludes a single work from the dataset, Orient-Pacific Line Guide: Chapters for Travellers by Sea and by Land. This work was published in 1900, and its inclusion in the visualisation created an erroneous impression of a sharp drop-off in travel publications for 1900-1909.
The visualisation is generated from the publication year of the first edition for the remaining 476 works in the dataset.
Explore the works in this dataset per decade in the following table:
Note: this map tracks references to specific states or territories in nineteenth-century travel writing.
This visualisation excludes those works where the specific location is not identificable or where the work speaks broadly of Australia as a whole (e.g., Guide to the Health Resorts in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand): 85 works were excluded from the dataset of 477 works. The number of references represented on this map exceeds the total of works in the dataset, as each location has been counted individually (e.g., Six Months in South Australia, with Some Account of Port Philip has been counted once for South Australia and once for Victoria).
Locations are, for ease of mapping, based on current state / territory divisions rather than historical ones (e.g., Port Phillip is counted against Victoria rather than New South Wales and works that explore the centre of Australia are counted against the Northern Territory rather than South Australia). Works that include the Bass Strait islands are counted against Tasmania.
Explore works in this dataset per geographical location in the following table:
New South Wales | Central Australia and Northern Territory |
Van Diemen's Land / Tasmania | Queensland |
Victoria | Western Australia |
South Australia | All locations |
Tips on searching: To search on geographical locations in this dataset, use 'Geographical settings as subject' from the Advanced Search page. This pre-populated search page establishes the basic parameters for searching.
Search results will return all possible editions of a work.
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