Issue Details: First known date: 2021... 2021 Anne Brewster and Sue Kossew, Rethinking the Victim : Gender and Violence in Contemporary Australian Women's Writing
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Published in the Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures Series with the assistance of an ARC Discovery Grant, Rethinking the Victim situates itself in the troubled context of violence against women, a broad field which includes family violence as well as many other forms. The authors refer to a range of major Reports, both international and Australian, into violence against women in all its manifestations, which detail horrifying statistics about its prevalence. In turn, that work recognises such violence as a human rights issue, with ‘widespread social, economic and political impact and effects.’ Anne Brewster and Sue Kossew also link increased contemporary attention to this field with the rise of feminist activism and theory in the 1970s, which brought the issue, particularly of domestic violence, from the private into the public sphere.' (Introduction)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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    y separately published work icon JASAL vol. 21 no. 1 2021 21700242 2021 'The first issue of JASAL for 2021 forges a number of valuable critical pathways into some of the under-researched spaces of the broad field of Australian literary studies. This issue also offers a strong collection of reviews of recently published essay collections, critical studies and poetry.' (Ellen Smith, Joesph Cummins, Introduction) 2021 periodical issue
Last amended 4 May 2021 13:23:28 Anne Brewster and Sue Kossew, Rethinking the Victim : Gender and Violence in Contemporary Australian Women's Writingsmall AustLit logo JASAL
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