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Screen cap from opening credits.
form y separately published work icon Verbotene Liebe series - publisher   film/TV  
Adaptation of Sons and Daughters Don Battye , Greg Stevens , Bevan Lee , Maureen Ann Moran , Peter Pinne , Ray Kolle , Ian Coughlan , Greg Haddrick , John Alsop , Bruce Hancock , Ysabelle Dean , Bill Searle , Alister Webb , Christine Schofield , Boaz Stark , Tony Sheldon , Betty Quin , Lyn Ogilvy , Anthony Wheeler , Foveaux Kirby , Geoffrey Atherden , Colin Bowles , Valda Marshall , Reg Watson , Sally Webb , Jane Seaborn , Melvyn Morrow , Liz Cunningham , Michael Gillett , David Phillips , Alison Nisselle , Sue Smith , Rick Maier , 1981 series - publisher film/TV
Issue Details: First known date: 1995... 1995 Verbotene Liebe
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