'Australian TV productions will be getting a boost in next week's federal budget, and while $50 million in new funding sounds like good news for the struggling arts sector, it's not quite as clear cut as that.'
'High Ground, the spectacular and confronting instant Aussie classic— "not a Western, but a Northern", as its director describes — first gripped audiences at the Berlin International Film Festival in February.'
'Lockdown disruptions to its 30th year celebrations gave Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute time to pause and "reflect" on its future, its chief executive has said, with contemporary art emerging as a key focus.'
'In July 2016, while waiting for a flight home at LAX airport, Chris Gooch started devising Delforge — part exile colony, part subterranean garbage dump, in near-future Melbourne.' (Introduction)
'It is not every day an artist is asked to create a mural from one of the most famous paintings in Australian history — in this case, Shearing the Rams by Tom Roberts.' (Introduction)
'The year 1996 was one of those 'best of times, worst of times' for Angus Cerini. In perhaps its defining moment, he was beaten up on a train by a group of young men after intervening when they harassed a couple of older women.' (Introduction)