'This issue of Meniscus has been framed by two events, one global and one personal for one of the co-editors. As writers were submitting pieces for the current issue, the COVID-19 virus was at the periphery of our consciousness but, as the closing date came and April launch date approached, it became apparent that these were no ordinary times and all of those involved in bringing the issue to the world were themselves caught in the tension of maintaining standards in our ‘daytime’ work, while working from home and under containment. Our titular image and explanation of Meniscus, of ‘how surfaces, curves, tension and openness interact ... the way in which the surface of the water features, and the uncertainty of the water’s containment, seems to analogise the excitement and anxiety inherent in creative practice, and the delicate balance between possibility and impossibility’, became a reality for our daily lives as well as our own creativity. (
Gail Pittaway,
Jen Webb :
Editorial introduction)