'The person who mows your lawn probably does a fine job, but is there a book in that? And who would imagine an enticing story behind the franchises of Jim’s Mowing, Jim’s Cleaning and Jim’s Fencing?' (Introduction)
'When it comes to books, the best-selling genre is not fantasy or romance or sci-fi but self-help, the closest thing we have to written guides on how we should live our lives. You might say the Bible is the oldest self-help book we’ve got, though it’s rumoured the earliest texts of this prescriptive kind were written in ancient Egypt. (Introduction)'
'One day Vivien Quarry’s husband of 32 years says offhandedly to her, “Men are hardwired to not find older women attractive.” Geoff’s declarative, inflammatory comment is enough to steer her off-kilter. And he, at 69, is hardly pulchritudinous himself.' (Introduction)
'Anyone beefing about unlikeable characters might take issue with Diane, Monica’s sister in Matt Howard’s new novel, The Time is Now, Monica Sparrow. Perpetually pie-eyed, she provides much of the levity and humour. She is publicly loud and rude, a snob and lousy at friendship.' (Introduction)