y separately published work icon Cordite Poetry Review periodical issue  
Alternative title: No Theme VIII
Issue Details: First known date: 2019... no. 92 15 August 2019 of Cordite Poetry Review est. 1997 Cordite Poetry Review
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* Contents derived from the , 2019 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Shardsi"A friend told me", Kate Middleton , Sarina Noordhuis-Fairfax , single work poetry
Residence : Dwelling with The Shards, Sarina Noordhuis-Fairfax , Kate Middleton , single work essay

'When S. and I started to talk, the directions were endless, and sympathetic. What passed between us, over coffee and chai, in emails, in text messages, were the names of authors, books, artists. We were both mapping, many cartographies laid over each other, human and non-human. Struck by the ways the same ground could be covered again and again, never fully covered, uncovered, recovered. The Shards.' (Introduction)

Brutalism : Poems by Alex Creece, Alex Creece , selected work poetry

'During a recent conversation, a friend and fellow writer asked what I considered to be my greatest literary strength. I am grateful for her patience, because I definitely didn’t arrive at a speedy conclusion. The question—though a simple one—had me stumped. I reflected on my writing across various genres, media, periods of growth and learning. Was there a collective throughline? What gave my work its pulse – its own unique pitter-pattering palpitations? What made all those words worth writing?' (Introduction)

Funhousei"Gumnut Assorteds for supper", Alex Creece , single work poetry
James Joyce’s Fart Fetishi"Shroom dust in a shisha pipe,", Alex Creece , single work poetry
Insubordinatei"lovingly crafted from formal warnings and disciplinary letters", Alex Creece , single work poetry
Special Needsi"Hold me like hospital hands,", Alex Creece , single work poetry
Shitposti"from texts and Facebook message madness", Alex Creece , single work poetry
The Kind of Voice That Angers Men on Public Transporti"I thought I was", Alex Creece , single work poetry
The Last 37.5mgi"a longitudinal collage of my diary", Alex Creece , single work poetry
‘A Means of Resistance’ : Susie Anderson Interviews Alison Whittaker, Susie Anderson (interviewer), single work interview

'Some writing teaches you possibility. Possibility in a number of ways: seeing yourself reflected in a body of work, echoing familiar words, places, or ideas; some writing is a lesson about form, or acts as an overall object to aspire to. When I picked up a copy of Lemons in the Chicken Wire by Alison Whittaker, I saw for the first time a young queer Aboriginal woman subverting the form of poetry in a way that resonated with me. Yet Alison’s writing followed a lineage of other Aboriginal poets, and from reading her work I went on to find Samuel Wagan Watson, Ali Cobby Eckermann and Lionel Fogarty. These significant discoveries alongisde Lemons showed me how lyrical poetry could be reshaped in Aboriginal ways, encouraging and challenging my own writing. It felt like insurgency into Western ways of reading and writing.' (Introduction)

Concept Creepi"It’s not a reflection on you, climbing the stairs to happiness (what flights?),", Ann Vickery , single work poetry
2.0i"there’s a sample of the future", Rebecca Jessen , single work poetry
The Girl, The Onei"I’m the girl with the curly hair;", Lobna Rouhani , single work poetry
Vetoi"Be certain and work that grammar", Nadia Kim , single work poetry
Pictures at an Exhibitioni"We gathered in your loft. It was a safe milieu. We took", Lucy Wilks , single work poetry
Po(i)nti"an other flees full stop tidal tugs tyres full stop arm a meant for holding torn", Berni M. Janssen , single work poetry
Synonyms for Womblikei"Ants traverse my legs, only", Em König , single work poetry
What I Sawi"I didn’t see the helicopter hovering didn’t see it had stopped didn’t see the", Gayelene Carbis , single work poetry
Un-titledi"my culture is a blizzard, low", Tessa Rose , single work poetry