'Claris: The Chicest Mouse in Paris follows an adorable mouse who dreams of moving to Paris to follow her fashion dreams. One day, she bravely takes the leap – only to find a mean little girl with a horrible-looking cat standing in the way of her perfect Parisian apartment! Can Claris use all her wit, warmth and – of course – style to make her dreams come true?'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'‘But oh no!’ Claris cried, and her heart gave a tug.
Madame’s invitation was still on the rug!
Without it she would be declined at the door.
She’d miss out on Chanel, and perhaps even more ...
'When Claris’s family leaves behind their invite to Paris Fashion Week, this brave little mouse has only one choice: an exciting dash through the streets of Paris in a race against the clock!'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'‘Pack your bags darling Claris, try not to delay.
'We’re off to the French Riveria, today!’
'A sweet little mouse, a new friend and a seaside adventure on the French Riveria!'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'A sweet little mouse takes on a cheeky cat burglar with holiday cheer.
'Can Claris and Monsieur save the day - the New York way?' (Publication summary)
'Can you find Claris and her friends in iconic places such as Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park and Westminster Abbey?' (Publication summary)
'It was a marvellous day for our sweet little Claris,
as she sat on a train that was leaving from Paris.
She was off to Versailles, a grand palace in France,
to attend a great ball where she’d eat cheese and dance.
'But what happens when Claris gets lost in the Hall of Mirrors?
'She’ll need to help a new friend overcome their fears before they can find their way back to the ball!'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
'Claris, the chicest mouse in Paris, is setting off on an exciting adventure through the Big Apple!
'Can you find Claris and her friends in fabulous New York places such as Central Park, Fifth Avenue and the Met?'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
Claris, the chicest mouse in Paris, is setting off on an exciting adventure through Rome!
'Can you find Claris and her friends in historic places such as the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum and the Spanish Steps?' (Publication summary)
'The seventh delightful rhyming tale about courage, compassion and a stylish little mouse, from beloved children’s author Megan Hess.
'Ciao! Claris the mouse and her best friend Monsieur are in Italy! But after a pasta disaster at their favourite bistro, Claris meets a seamstress who needs her help. Can she make the perfect dress in time for the Venice Film Festival and find Monsieur again?' (Publication summary)
'There are so many fun ways to express yourself through fashion.
Dive into the fabulous wardrobe of Claris, the chicest mouse in Paris!
'Inspired by the best-selling Claris collection by internationally acclaimed fashion illustrator, Megan Hess.' (Publication summary)
'Claris the mouse knows that it's normal to have big feelings! After all, compassion is always in style.
'Explore different feelings and emotions with the chicest mouse in Paris.' (Publication summary)
'When Claris's friends ask her to create some chic new fashion looks for them, she’s only too happy to help. But her apartment is tiny and her friends are too big! Her best friend Monsieur has an idea: there’s a secret room at the top of the Eiffel Tower that would give her plenty of space. They just need some help getting her belongings all the way to the top ...
'Compassion is always in fashion in this beloved series about Claris the mouse and her adventures in Paris and beyond! Created by the beloved fashion illustrator and art director Megan Hess, these stunning stories are told in delightful rhyme and feature an abundance of adorable animal characters. Perfect for readers aged 3 and up, the whole family will enjoy the adventures of Claris, the chicest mouse in Paris.' (Publication summary)
'The card had no address – just one special clue:
a small golden crown. Claris knew what to do!
'Claris and her best friend, Monsieur, are trying to find a secret club – in London! But when they follow the clues to track it down, they are in for a big surprise ...'
Source: Publisher's blurb.