'One of the key tragedies of academia—or of any other profession whose appeal rests on the idea that it in some way comprises a ‘calling’, that is, that we might be doing this kind of work (thinking, reading, writing) regardless of whether or not it was remunerated (a lucky thing, given how much of it is not)—is that the Venn diagram of the jobs we’d like to be doing and the jobs we end up doing looks like two circles, not, actually, unlike the dark ones under my eyes:
portrait of the artist experiencing the dawning realisation that they only have one good hour of work left in them before their stimulant wears off' (Introduction)
'One of the key tragedies of academia—or of any other profession whose appeal rests on the idea that it in some way comprises a ‘calling’, that is, that we might be doing this kind of work (thinking, reading, writing) regardless of whether or not it was remunerated (a lucky thing, given how much of it is not)—is that the Venn diagram of the jobs we’d like to be doing and the jobs we end up doing looks like two circles, not, actually, unlike the dark ones under my eyes:
portrait of the artist experiencing the dawning realisation that they only have one good hour of work left in them before their stimulant wears off' (Introduction)