y separately published work icon Landscapes periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: Heritage
Issue Details: First known date: 2018... vol. 8 no. 1 2018 of Landscapes est. 2001 Landscapes
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* Contents derived from the , 2018 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Imaginative Geographies : Visualising the Poetics of History and Space, Clive Barstow , single work criticism

'This essay presents a visual dialogue about our relationship to place. I adopt Henri Lefebvre’s model of cumulative trialectics (1991) as a new thirdspace that more accurately represents the complexities of modern day geographies and hybrid communities by extending the binary analysis of the past and present and beyond the real and the imagined. Trialectics expand our understanding beyond physical geographies by suggesting a cerebral space that searches for new meaning and is therefore more radically open to additional otherness and toward a continuing expansion of [human] spatial knowledge and imagination.

'Julia Lossau describes thirdspace as a space that ‘…tends to be transformed into a bounded space which is located next to [and] in-between other bounded spaces, like a piece of a jigsaw’ (2009). This bounded space as a mechanism of transference is examined in my own visual arts practice as a response to and reflection of the collaboration.' (Publication abstract)

In the State of Karri and Jarrahi"Where you stand is what you see,", Joyce Parkes , single work poetry
From the Darling Ranges to the Swan Coastal Plaini"After thirty-eight years in Darlington, a place", Joyce Parkes , single work poetry
Balajura Walksi"Walking north along Bellefin Drive is seeing", Joyce Parkes , single work poetry
On the Trail of a Ghost, Nicole Hodgson , single work essay

'In the process of researching the life of an early settler of the Israelite Bay area, the author comes to a much deeper understanding of the many ways in which the landscape has changed in the past one hundred and fifty years.' (Publication abstract)

Hyde Park, Perth, Rita Tognini , single work poetry

'This poem explores the past and present history of Hyde Park in Perth and the meaning of this landscape, in its various manifestations over time, for its users. The poem was conceived as a triptych, with all three sections visible simultaneously. A version of the poem in this form is submitted (in landscape format). '  (Publication abstract)

Slater Woodlicei"Slater woodlice.", Shaun Salmon , single work poetry
Poetry of Roe 8i"Because silver hair shines in the moonlight", Nandi Chinna , single work poetry
Review of Taboo, by Kim Scott, Picador-Australia, 2017, Rashida Murphy , single work review
— Review of Taboo Kim Scott , 2017 single work novel ;

'Kim Scott's Taboo is a story about beginnings and endings.This novel reminds the reader of the circularity of stories, and how those stories are shaped by intent and weighed by landscape. Scott speaks of dispossession, abuse, colonialism, addiction and racism in lyrical and melancholy prose. The men and women who walk through these pages are startlingly aware of their failings and equally forgiving of those failings in others. There are no quick fixes and the story vacillates between despair and hope. Yet this is not a grim story. The lucidity of its prose lifts it beyond the despair in its pages and reminds us that there are no perfect words and no easy resolutions to the trials of our First Nations people. An important and devastating story for our times.' (Publication abstract)

Sprungi"At war, pretty vacant", John W. Gordon , single work poetry

'A poem that that explores the Australian landscape, an environment of despair, and ennui.'