'Fay Zwicky, in her journal (NotebookXIII, August 2012), documents the experience of rage - a strange contrast with her lyrical prose and elegant hand: ' I haven't however, forgotten my fury about the illegal Iraq war. It belonged to me and I remember shouting my rage... I can still feel the surge of anger and frustration, no less urgently...' (25141, see ' surprised by in this issue). Zwicky extends her rage to list of social issues and injustices, a litany of various forms of violence in the world that sits at odds with the simplicity of the yellow Spirax notebook. This is the same journal that catches memories, poetry, anecdotes and ponderings, which notes inside its cover the Latinate name of the 'Moon Orchid carried at my wedding' as 'Phalynoxis Orchid'. The passage which records her anger is followed immediately by the memory of a childhood penpal.' (Introduction)
2017 pg. 244-246