WWJD single work   poetry   "At the Cisco Travel Plaza Jesus"
Issue Details: First known date: 2017... 2017 WWJD
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  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Tincture Journal no. 17 Autumn 2017 10805802 2017 periodical issue

    'With the long hot Australian summer still burning fiercely here in Brisbane, it’s hard to think of this as the Autumn issue, but here we are. A few months ago, while reading submissions, I tweeted: “the skin as map / body as landscape metaphor feels very overdone”. Images came to mind of black-and-white cinema advertisements tracing a body’s contours in close-up, making them look like geographical formations in order to sell moisturiser (or something); or slightly more obscure references like lyrics from the song ‘Cardiac Atlas’ by June of 44: “he finds his way with a map of arteries / he makes camp just above your heart”. So yes, it felt overdone to me, but I was quickly forced to qualify this with another tweet: “but I’m reading a piece by someone who’s doing it well, so who cares?”' (Editorial introduction)

    pg. 28
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