'For those of you who have submitted and read the previous incarnation of StylusLIt, Stylus Poetry Journal, thank you all for your good wishes for the new publication. StylusLit includes more genres to accommodate short fiction and creative non-fiction, two genres which I think are generally overlooked. On our team is Andrew Leggett, fiction and creative non-fiction editor, Alison Clifton, reviews editor, while I am poetry editor.' (Introduction)
2017'From long narrative lines to fine-boned, lyrical loops and ties that bind these poems into place, Richard James Allen has taken risks with language that mark this as his most adventurous and significant book to date. --Anthony Lawrence
'Allen's subject is being itself, and the way our biological and mental dimensions interact, with human intelligence and love being the unifying forces for this interaction. --Adam Aitken' (Publication summary)