'For those of you who have submitted and read the previous incarnation of StylusLIt, Stylus Poetry Journal, thank you all for your good wishes for the new publication. StylusLit includes more genres to accommodate short fiction and creative non-fiction, two genres which I think are generally overlooked. On our team is Andrew Leggett, fiction and creative non-fiction editor, Alison Clifton, reviews editor, while I am poetry editor.' (Introduction)
Only literary material by Australian authors individually indexed. Other material in this issue includes:
- Excerpt from a Narrative in Progress by American writer Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino
'I first met my father Jack McIntosh when I was six years old and he was 28. One day a strange man was sitting at the kitchen table. I thought he was a visitor but Mum said, “Give your father a kiss”. I stamped my foot and ran outside, bawling loudly. “No, no, he’s not my father. I won’t kiss him. I won’t.” Mum said later I wouldn’t come inside until she promised to buy me an ice cream. He was always around after that.' (Introduction)
'Randy Munoz was the toughest kid in Kowloon Tong. For a start he had a knife. He first produced it on a YMCA camping trip we went on to some small, rugged islands in the Port Shelter group in the waters off Sai Kung in the eastern part of the New Territories.
We were bunked down in a huge shed on one of the islands because it was raining at the time and late at night contraband items including Scotch whisky (Johnny Walker red label to be precise) and Cuban cigars were produced by some of the older boys who must have been only 13 or 14. Randy, meanwhile, had his knife and during our weekend, which always reminds me of Lord of the Flies for some strange reason, we practised throwing it – sometimes at tree trunks, sometimes at the ground and sometimes at each other’s feet, nimbly jumping from side to side to avoid the blade.' (Introduction)