'My Grandmother’s Lingo – a new interactive animation tells the personal story of Angelina Joshua, a young Aboriginal woman dedicated to preserving her endangered Indigenous language. It highlights the plight of Indigenous languages by exploring Aboriginal culture and the endangered Aboriginal language of Marra.' (Source: SBS website)
'To complement the interactive animation, SBS Learn has produced a schools education pack encouraging teachers and students to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. Aimed at years 7+, the pack features engaging classroom activities linked to the Media Arts curriculum and the newly released Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages.'
'My Grandmother's Lingo, a documentary narrated in the endangered Marra language, has won a Best Use of Digital Media award. The award was presented recently at the NSW Minister for Multiculturalism Ray Williams.'
'My Grandmother's Lingo, a documentary narrated in the endangered Marra language, has won a Best Use of Digital Media award. The award was presented recently at the NSW Minister for Multiculturalism Ray Williams.'