'The Australian Historical Association (AHA), Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) and Monash University ePress are delighted to announce a prestigious new Postgraduate History Prize. This annual prize is for an unpublished article-length work of historical research in any area of historical enquiry, produced by a postgraduate student enrolled in an Australian university during the year 2007. Entrants from all disciplines are encouraged, including social science and humanities areas, and those enrolled in cross-disciplinary areas such as women's studies and Asian studies. Primarily funded by CAL, this prize will help foster important historical research and writing amongst Australian postgraduates, and encourage them on to further publication.
In addition to the $4000 prize, the winning entry will also be published in History Australia - the journal of the Australian Historical Association, published both online and in print by Monash University ePress. Up to three shortlisted articles may also be published in History Australia, at the discretion of the editors of the journal. ' Source: ww.theaha.org.au/ (Sighted 11/06/2009).