Best Director (2004-)
Subcategory of Matilda Awards
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Latest Winners / Recipients

Year: 2023

Indexed selectively.
winner y separately published work icon Drizzle Boy Ryan Enniss , 2022 Strawberry Hills : Currency Press , 2024 25303953 2022 single work drama

'Drizzle Boy is autistic. Drizzle Boy is poked, prodded and diagnosed by a world that wants to change him and a family who doesn’t understand him. Then he meets Juliet — his very own star-crossed love. Could she be a safe space for a man who just wants a calm centre to his universe?

'Join Drizzle Boy as he takes back his story from a world of misunderstandings with irreverence and audacity. It’s a biting satire blending magical realism with a Kafkaesque journey of self-discovery. If you are neurotypical then you’re about to take a theatrical cold shower in the world of neurodiversity.'

Source: Queensland Theatre Company.

Year: 2022

Indexed selectively.
winner y separately published work icon The Almighty Sometimes Kendall Feaver , 2015 Strawberry Hills : Currency Press , 2018 14128590 2015 single work drama

'Anna is coming of age. Possibilities are unfurling in front of her and she’s ready to take control. But her mother’s been standing guard all these years, taking care, editing the choices.

'When Anna makes a decision that could affect the rest of her life, can Renee stand by and watch?'

Source: Royal Exchange Theatre.

Queensland Theatre production.

Year: 2020-2021

winner Sanja Simić for 'Naked and Screaming'.

Year: 2019

winner Daniel Evans for 'Cinderella'.

Year: 2017

winner y separately published work icon Blue Bones Merlynn Tong , Fortitude Valley : Playlab , 2017 11978357 2017 single work drama

'When a woman finds scars left by her ex-boyfriend of many years etched into her bones, she begins a turbulent journey to unpack her past and discover how he got under her skin. Based on the true story of two teenagers' romance as it blossoms then warps in the heat of bustling Singapore, Blue Bones is a one-woman show told with incredible honesty by Merlynn Tong. With multiple characters, song and arcade dance games, Blue Bones is a whirlwind of love and sex, violence and courage, with the wreckage continuing to be felt across the years. Against the backdrop of Singapore with all its beauty, rigidity and insistent chaos, Blue Bones will enchant and disturb, and perhaps even wake the stories dormant in your bones.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

for Ian Lawson.